
I'm holding back a lot of juicy, angsty, unrequited love to required love stories. There's a reason as to why I haven't posted them. Actually, there are a lot of reasons. 
          	There's one I've been brewing in my head for ages, and I can't write it. Well, I mean, I can, but no one would like it or want it.. 


@SSmiling3 Not on here, people won't, but on AO3? Probably. Idk tho I still godda go through things with it 


@taeeatskookies  no no plz write it buddy.. well you are the one writing it .. plzz everyone will  love it....


I'm holding back a lot of juicy, angsty, unrequited love to required love stories. There's a reason as to why I haven't posted them. Actually, there are a lot of reasons. 
          There's one I've been brewing in my head for ages, and I can't write it. Well, I mean, I can, but no one would like it or want it.. 


@SSmiling3 Not on here, people won't, but on AO3? Probably. Idk tho I still godda go through things with it 


@taeeatskookies  no no plz write it buddy.. well you are the one writing it .. plzz everyone will  love it....


Look, I used to not like AO3 before. But now I do. I've found good stories on there, like genuinely good ones. It's not all cheating, abuse, chaos, etc. on there. If you follow the right fests on Twitter, you can find something you'd like, and with the tagging system on there, you can find what you like too. 
          I'm having to restrict myself on here because of TOS, but on AO3, I can go further a bit. I can push it. I'm actually growing on there, not as fast as I am here, but I'm at 81 subscribers (basically followers) on my profile, but on certain stories, it's up in the 100s close to 200s. That's in about a few months of pushing and prompting on Twitter in a group chat because they share and showcase recommendations to more people. 
          I'm actually getting more interactions on there. Roses and Vanilla on there has 26,150 hits (reads) and 484 kudos (votes), and it goes up daily. 
          Point is; Don't knock it until you try it


@taeeatskookies yes, exactly, I've yet to upload Strawberry Milkshakes it to yet cause I need to edit it a bit but I think once it's up it'll gain another following 


@taeeatskookies  ao3 is best and better and thier book make me feel that how even reading it free .
            Although it's mostly depends on authors .


@taeeatskookies same with me. I don't know how Ao3 works, I even searched on yt how to read kkkkkk but now I prefer ao3 than wattpad. If you have any suggestions (bttmkook) Ao3 that you love, can you share it? ◉⁠‿⁠◉



@taeeatskookies hi! thank you for the beautiful update  have a great weekend 


Working on the How I Met Your Mother inspired story called "How I Met Your Father" 
          It's totally not an original title, but I don't care lmao.
          When I say inspired, it'll be the same vibes. Some ideas from the stories would be similar. There's one story in the show called "The pineapple incident,"  which is basically about how they don't remember how a pineapple got in Ted's room. They figure it out much later that Ted stole it from someone's porch whilst drunk. And I wanna do something like that and many more things :) 


@taeeatskookies I love himym, so I'm sure I'll also love this story :)


Are my smuts getting bad? I thought I was getting better at them, too :( 
          Not a single comment about how hot it was or even about the little blood play in it :( How messy it was :( 
          Well, I enjoyed writing it. That should count for something.


@taeeatskookies Don't know about others, but I loved it Author nim.. Actually I had continuous classes and even wasn't free on Sunday, so I didn't get time to comment.. Once I'll be free (probably this Wednesday), I would spam the book with comments!! 
            And if you think that you're getting better and are enjoying writing them, then that's what matters.. You're really a wonderful writer and your books have always been my favourite.. 


As a writer myself…always be proud of what you’ve written and if you enjoyed writing it that’s what really matters. Just my opinion, I thought this smut was good but I have enjoyed your smuts in the one shot collection more. I feel like you could have portrayed emotion a little more in this smut it felt a little flat. But that’s just some constructive criticism I think you’re an amazing writer and don’t ever doubt yourself! 