After all i didnt criticize her story i think at last time V will love jungkook after separation years. After 3 years.. but not suprised V is V .. After jungkook comeback he dont want to telk true at that time also.. jungkook is the one who still want to know true.jungkook is the one who still want to stay .. V still didnt tryied once. Jungkook is the one who still want to marry. V dont want that marrage life. Bcz he dont like to this marrage. Marrage is just paper i mean if V dont want to marrage he shouldnot have jungkook let go that easy. He let go jungkook mean he dont want jungkook . He dont want live with jungkook, he dont want jungkook again. He dont like that family or jungkook anymore . He went to meet as friends ? How funny .. it is good for story but not real. Under 20 years old fans maybe satisfy .. but after 20 years you will understand what is world and what is relationship .. what is love and life.. V want meet taaguk not jungkook . You said it is vkook love story ? Anything for you ? What did V do ? Is he care jk, is he worry about jk? Is he try to tell true to jk( he waited for next morning ?. sorry it make me laugh. after 3 years.. he still didnt want to tell true ) he stay with jk ? Is he take his husband side ? Is he trust husband(he trusted ex but not husband) ? Is he want to kiss at least nooo.. he did nothing for jungkook .
But saying i love you and i love yoy than chae are just words only.. we practically didnt feel love. Thats what i said...