
hello baddies! 
          	I just saw yall comments on yesterday's update from "the secret of kemet" & let's just say I'm no  less than emotional. 
          	I love that book so much, but I must take it down. 
          	I appreciate the fact that you got in my world and enjoyed the ride for quite a bit, just to unwind from life and forget about it temporarily. 
          	as I said I keep every comment of urs safe with me in my notes app. they keep me sane istg. I love when you guys love my work,, my fantasy world, and get delulu like me even for just a second. 
          	the book will be up for you to read till December and i will finish it for you guys, like I said. 
          	I will keep you all updated if I ever decided to pursue original stories one day, which I know I will. 
          	lmk if any of you are interested in my originals. I'll provide you how you can reach me personally. 
          	tysm for everything!


@Misdeolddys coming from you ♡


@taekoocore words of an admirable writer


@taekoocore me is intrested on ur originalsssss .. plzz let me knowwww 


Hey author its just small request can you update your book pharao kemet onse in toptae version 2 cause you're description is amazing and I want to read it but can't cause it's top kook.


I'll read your top tae onse 


@Soldier_V_k  , hi! I'm glad you like it!
            it's too unfortunate you can't read top kook, it's too hard for me make another version bcz one; it's time consuming and second; I've only had vision for this specific plot!
            but I suggest being versatile, you never know you might like topkook.
            I have more than 4 books, toptae in my drafts, you can look forward to those in the future. for the meantime I can recommend my other book "mission 2k" it's 100% topTae.
            side note: I might make a oneshot for you in the future, since you requested it. but hey, no promises !
            thanks for liking my books. let me hear from you again !


hello baddies! 
          I just saw yall comments on yesterday's update from "the secret of kemet" & let's just say I'm no  less than emotional. 
          I love that book so much, but I must take it down. 
          I appreciate the fact that you got in my world and enjoyed the ride for quite a bit, just to unwind from life and forget about it temporarily. 
          as I said I keep every comment of urs safe with me in my notes app. they keep me sane istg. I love when you guys love my work,, my fantasy world, and get delulu like me even for just a second. 
          the book will be up for you to read till December and i will finish it for you guys, like I said. 
          I will keep you all updated if I ever decided to pursue original stories one day, which I know I will. 
          lmk if any of you are interested in my originals. I'll provide you how you can reach me personally. 
          tysm for everything!


@Misdeolddys coming from you ♡


@taekoocore words of an admirable writer


@taekoocore me is intrested on ur originalsssss .. plzz let me knowwww 