
I remember once how i kinda had a fight with an author bc they didn’t put a major character d*ath warning which should be put by everyone since it can seriously trigger ppl but everytime i read a book i get paranoid bc what if i hype their book since i forgot what their @ was and it can be anyone


@ taekook_mylove  me too


@Sheravinavina it really is horrible stealing other people’s hard work but unfortunately we can’t do anything abt it, and ofc let’s leave her be since it won’t affect us anyways and i wish her luck with her stories


There's many kind of authors, and i cant deny, she is, a good writer
          	  Maybe she had troubles in her life, or anything, anyway, was just dissapointed, but i wont hate on her, its her thing, and it didnt affect anyone, especially me
          	  So just let her be, i'm still more concerned about those authors out there who copies stuff.. i forgot who, but knows that she/he was famous
          	  And then she deleted her acc after people found out she copied other people's book
          	  Now thats.. horrible..




"Can't he be a little bit nice? Such an arrogant rich brat."
          Kim Taehyung, the CEO of Kim's Groups of Industries, is on his way to fulfilling his final goal.
          || Seems like Mr. Kim got a new secretary ||
          Jeon Jungkook, the new secretary: clumsy, slightly emotional, and very, very sarcastic
          "I am really sorry for being a minute late. I would have gotten so much done within that minute."
          "Every second is important for me."
          Indeed, every second is important...
          especially if your final goal is revenge
          Check out Revenge by @FAIRIESTK via the link below! 


Olá tudo bem?? Espero que sim! Vim divulgar minha nova e primeira fic dos taekook!
          Ela se chama Adote-me, e peço desculpas pelos primeiros capítulos terem sido.. "rápidos" assim digamos! Mas espero que me de uma chance e também espero que goste. Irei melhora-la o máximo que puder!!
          Sinopse: •°Em um mundo onde híbridos podem ser adotados como companheiros para pessoas solitárias ou até mesmo criar uma vida própria sem ter a necessidade de ser adotado.
          Jeon jungkook é motivado por seus amigos a adotar um híbrido que o fizesse companhia na vida monótona que tinha.. mas mal sabia ele o quão seus dias ficaram atordoados com poucos dias de convivência com seu novo "amigo"°•
          Espero que goste e leia! Obrigado pela atenção e desculpe o incômodo. 

