so I turned 23 on 11th June...am officialy a broke and super duper trusfrated oldie now...
it's really amazing how time flies...tho i dnt celebrate much on my birthdays xcpt the home cooked meals by my mom n some touching wishes by close peeps...now that i look back ik how priotities change...previously used to wish for a nice drawing set or color set as gift while praying or mayb a new set of clothes....then the wish changed to good grades.....then to just pass the exams with a bit of decent marks...and now....to get a good job !!
Time really flies...tbh I couldn't keep count how days flew away once i turned 20...things started right after 18...but on looking back i can still distinguish what happened n when while i was 18 n 19...but after that...everything rushed by...a blur...can't really pin-point how n when i overcame the things i had to overcome..but I did...
Idk if anybody is still reading as it has been long but still if u r...I'd like to say just one thing...live life as it comes...go with the flow...one day you'll look back n understand how much u hv moved forward by just taking one day at a time...don't waste yr time on thinking why something didn't happen or what wd hv happened if something else happened...whatver happened, happened fr a reason...go with it..accept it..faster u accept it faster u move ahead...
i really did talk like an old geezer, didn't I? *awekward chuckles*
anyways...all the very to everybody with whatver u desire, specially to the ones welcoming their 18 or their 20s...trust yourself n u'll b just fine...n the ones in their 20s Ik y'all can asurely relate...
the ones elder or younger than me...if u want can leave a piece of advise fr me mayb ?
Thank you, if you r still reading the rant of this oldie! :)