
I am so sorry y’all, a lot has been going on, hopefully starting next month I can start the schedule again and get t\things up.oaded


Hello everyone! As you guys know, Tay left Wattpad and left all the books to me. Which means I am the only one able to update them, so of course bear with me. I’m gonna try and start back with the schedule next week since I no longer have class.I love you guys and I’m so thankful for you guys supporting us! I will get all the update next week hopefully


Hey everyone, TaeTae has officially left Wattpad, I'm gonna fully take over this account now. Also, I'm sorry I haven't updated, I just recently moved into my own place! So, yeah but imma try to get back to posting by next week! Love you so much Choonies!


Hey everyone, it's D.C, I think Tae has given up on writing or trying to write new chapters cause she hasn't even tried. As for I, like I said before, I've been so stressed out, I literally got a nosebleed yesterday because I was stressing so much. But I swear I'll start the books tomorrow and the new schedule tomorrow. Love you all!


@taetaechoi Maybe you guys need to take a break or have someone else help you 


Hello little Chooins, It's D.C Here, I just wanted to tell you guys, that the new schedule will begin next week.


@taetaechoi  Looking foward to it!


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@fucken_kc have no motivation to continue UNIVERSE, But Alphantomnie, will be continued, it just needs a minute.


@taetaechoi are you discontinuing alphantomnie kingdoms and universe? I dont see them on the schedule 


Hello our little Choo's, it's D.C here. I decided to make a new schedule for the books. I will say that, I know a lot of you want GUMDROP in MY BABY JACK to be updated but the thing about that is that LAUGHTER takes place before both of them. So, I don't want you guys to be spoiled to anything in LAUGHTER because of GUMDROP & MY BABY JACK. But we will update them very soon, you guys just have to give us time. Also Tae's MHA original character story 'BE YOUR OWN HERO' will be published again, I'm editing it at the moment but it will be published with all the other books this week. Here is the new schedule!
          Monday - Never Look Back (A Creepypasta Story) 3:30 Pm
          Tuesday - Timelapse (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader) S1 & S2/ 3: 30 Pm
          Wednesday - Laughter  (Creepypasta Story) 3:30 Pm
          Thursday - Be Your Own Hero (MHA X O.C) 3:30 Pm
          Friday - Writing Day
          Saturday - Writing Day
          Sunday - Off Day
          When LAUGHTER chapters are caught up with GUMDROP & MY BABY JACK, they will take the day of Friday and Saturday ! Love y’all!


          So it;s Take, I know I and D.C Promised y’all a new schedule of updating books and didn’t do it well..I’m trying to get a job and Dee is …well She has a job, is working on school, and is writing her book. But the schedule we set up will start next week on Feb. 5th! 


This is..I’m sorry y’all, the new schedule will start on monday, the first. And no it’s not an April fools joke! -Tae


Hi it’s Tae, here’s the new book schedule 
          Monday - Laughter (A Creepypasta Original Story) @1: 10 pm|| Never Look Back (A Creepypasta Story) @6:30 pm
          Tuesday - Writing Day 
          Wednesday - Gumdrop (Laughing Jack X Reader) @1:10 pm|| My Baby Jack (Laughing Jack X Reader) @6:30 pm
          Thursday - Writing Day
          Friday - UNIVERSE @1:10 pm|| Alphantomnie Kingdoms @6:30 pm
          Saturday - Writing Day
          Sunday - Timelapse (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader) S1 & S2 @1:10 pm
          The spicy angel x demon book will be published this Sunday along with Timelapse @6:30 pm. Anyways I and D.C will try to stick with this schedule!