I just needed to tell someone so I don't feel as if I'm bearing it all alone.
I'm Tae in my story or I guess he is me, and I'm tired. Tired of everything, tired of trying to do something, faking happiness when talking to someone. When you want to say something and they take it the wrong way, because even the right things are wrong to anymore. Then there's that urge to cry but you don't exactly know what you're crying about because everything seems like its all falling apart. Nothing is going the way you had planned.
Having absolutely no one you can talk too because you're too afraid to let anyone into your life. To have them see that things aren't as great as you let on and show everyone. How could it be a true friendship anyways if you feel like you always have to hide everything? I guess I can talk to you, but its not the same. Do you understand? I'm just so over feeling feelings.
I wanted to give you more, make my book better, but I don't even know if my story makes sense. It's hard for me to personally reread my own words. When something happens in my life I try to put it into words and this is what happens. I can't figure out how to sort through what I should feel or what I am thinking.
When you find it easier to write a more violent or emotional scene because you can relate to it more, or because how do you write a romantic scene when your significant other doesn't give you romance? How can that be good for your psyche? So it all just sort of gets jumbled up, then typed up together.
Just for a day though, I would like to know what it's like to feel like someone cares. Some who just listens without judgement or tells me what I should or shouldn't be doing. Just to hear what I have to say.
I'm sorry to lay this out on all of you, it was a bad night, day, whatever for me. It wasn't the first and certainly won't be the last.
What a shitty diary my book is turning out to be.