don’t get me wrong i loved shipping all of my favorites- but i think it’s more appropriate if i just ship them in a brotherly way bc at the end of the day they are still humans, like these are REAL people so just the thought of me shipping them in a sexual way when they may not move like that it’s just uncomfortable and that’s their members and stuff- idk i just want to get all of this out. I not gotten delete my books or anything (maybe later on in the years) or account bc i still take SOME pride of my wrote bc damn it took hours making chapters LMOAOAOOAO. Im sad that im not able to finish my NOMIN book bc it was just going to be funny and just kid-friendly but i knew i wasn’t going to be finished it anytime soon and i was not gonna broke another promise. I’m highly sorry for this disappointment that some of y’all be feeling but i think it’s just time to move on and think of better things for me. you respect me and i respect you. HAVE AN AMAZING LIVING YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL.♡♡♡♡ (2/2)