
          	back :) not to write but to read since life gets pretty boring and books are a great way to not make me bored ;) 



hey , so this story isnt mine ( credit goes to the rightful owners ) . but im just share if yr wanna read . its really good w uhm , angst endin' , tho . pls check it out ! almost complete . srry for disturbe you . may you have a nice day !


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I AM NOT IN A GAN*G. oh my god i feel like some of y’all do think i am bc i know so much of it. tbh i just know bc i have seen many movies abt them and also bc i used to live in the part of the city where there was a lot of crime rate and gangs. i definitely don’t have all the information right on the book abt gangs bc there is def more to gangs than what i write. pleASE IF YOU ARE CONFUSED ABT SOMETHING LET ME KNOW. if you aren’t getting all the gang type of shit in my book let me know bc i want u guys to understand the book 


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@DaHolyNamjesusWater yes :| like hUH HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE :( like fr all the shit i write in my fanfic is the shit i see in movies and in my old neighborhood 


@taevgl huh people really think you're in a gæñ -