
Guys i’m in so much pain i now just looked at caitlin’s (spicy tree) wattpad acc and at all the messages and ITS SOOO NOSTALGICXXD i haven’t opened this app in years but all our first memories r still on there and it’s so crazy we basically used to use wattpad as one of our main platforms of communication? anyway here’s to growing up  


Guys i’m in so much pain i now just looked at caitlin’s (spicy tree) wattpad acc and at all the messages and ITS SOOO NOSTALGICXXD i haven’t opened this app in years but all our first memories r still on there and it’s so crazy we basically used to use wattpad as one of our main platforms of communication? anyway here’s to growing up  


Guys i just rees thru my THREE YEAR OLD WATTPAD MESSAGES and it’s so sad i remember all of those ppl and it’s so crazy i’ll prolly never speak to them again HAHA @spicy_tree except for u spicy tree we still thriving BESTIE COREEE guys we ended up meeting irl irl crazy how this app changed my life and gave me my best friend. idk if that tag will work cuz i think her acc got deleted WELP i’ll see when i post this


i’m such a bad person 


@lights-for-louis no bestie i literally am there’s no coming back i can’t believe i did that bestie plz help


bestie no ur not ur amazing and i love u