
Comfort is the best addiction. 


Assalam 'Alaykum,
          I just published the poetry Islamic context book at my Wattpad account by my name otchoujr, it is titled AL-DAWA' IILAA ALMUSLIMUN ( REMEDY UPON MUSLIMS).
          Please enjoy reading it, because one of the poem is ' PALESTINE WILL BE FREE ".


@otchoujr walaikum As Salam warahmatullah e wabarakah.  MashaAllah brother ill read your book and support you... my prayers are with you and keep the hope alive :)


A mother, who labored in other people's homes to provide for her young son, perished from starvation, thirst, and the battle with cancer. Despite her struggles, she couldn't afford to buy him shoes for his birthday. Following her passing, the young son excelled in his exams, earning top position, and received shoes as a gift. Visiting his mother's grave with roses, he exclaimed, "Look, mother, I got these new shoes."