
Damn I Hate Books Don't Even Ask Why I Made Watpadd


hmm what shall I write about


lol anything- that's the beauty of writing- you can write about anything and everything you want. Just use your imagination and writing becomes really enjoyable if you write about the sort of things you like: your favourite genre etc. Writing and reading takes you to a different world of imagination.... sorry bout that ;D


personally I think reading is boring but since I have my gcses coming up I thought it would be good if I start reading more books as this will help me in english so I downloaded this app as it may motivate me in reading if that makes sense
          so im going to write some books 
          my English skills are crap so hopefully wattpad will help me improve so read what I write 


I'll definitely read what you write, put a story up first!!!! ;P
            And reading ain't boring (i know that isn't a word- get over it ^_^), start reading and you won't stop- though you need to find something you enjoy!! haha ;D