So it’s 6:00 right now......we’ll 6:03 to be exact. The sun’s still not even close to coming up. I mean I know it’s winter but dang. I’m kinda discouraged. I just deleted Wencia X Reader. 1, it was a little irrelevant. And 2, I didn’t have anything else to do with it. I didn’t know how to continue it and I didn’t know how to end it either. I just heard somebody fart in the bathroom and I’m all the way down the hall.......that’s mighty foul. I still want salt and vinegar chips. I played Injustice and Naruto Ninja Storm 4 ALL DAY TODAY. It was tiring, but I made it through. I wanna post another part to I <3 Chung <3 I so bad but idk what to do with the plot. I guess I’ll do some thinking and maybe I’ll post one last part today. Or maybe not. The sleepy’s coming back gotta blast.