
More poetry has gone up. Expect to see some of my slam poetry coming soon, as I've been getting into that. Give it a read if you want. Have an awesome day! 


Hi guys! Wow it's been a long time since I've done any writing but I am back for a good while I hope! I am currently working on a new piece entitled Sin. If people still want me to continue Year of no Stars, I will. Thanks for all your patience! 


Wow so umm hi? Haha I haven't been on Wattpad much. Well, at all. I haven't had any inspiration at all until recently and am working really hard on some new updates and fixing a plot I made a long time ago. 
          I'm always on tumblr so if you would like to follow me I am www.remain-in-silence.tumblr.com and am a fandom blog :P oops! I'll totally follow back! If you do have tumblr, I would totally do a promote of your wattpad account and writing to my followers. I know tons of them do write and do love to read!
          So sorry for my inactivity but I promise it won't be long until my account starts buzzing again!