
Hello World!
          	Just posted my second one-shots, you should go take a look!


Heyyy thanks for following! ❤


@takeme2themoon_ OMG i just saw this, so sorry for the late reply but THANK U SO MUCH UR BOOKS IS EVEN MORE AMAZING KXKSSISI


You’re welcome! Your account is amazing btw  


Hello World!
          I don't know if you noticed (probably not... I have like 3 followers  for the moment) But I posted my first story, which is a "Spoby One Shot" from the Pretty Little Liars's ship! 
          Anyway the one shots is just a poem about their chemistry and relationship...But it's pretty nice so you should go check it out...
          If you want,  of course.


Hello World! 
          This is actually the fifth time that I write something, then I delete it, then I write again...and I delete it again.
          See how scared I am? 
          Well, I just wanted you to know that I have a whole Spoby One Shots book ready and I will probably post it soon, so...don’t give up on me yet! I promise I will try my best to post it without freaking out...


@takeme2themoon_ sorry again i just saw this lol anddd anytime gurl! Im proud u finally did! ❤


Thanks for your advices! It took me a few weeks but I finally posted my first book...Now I feel so proud of me  ❤️


@takeme2themoon_  aw i totally understand. Look posting the first chapter of a book might be hard at first but trust me it'll get better. Even if it takes time, but that'll eventually happen and it'll get the recognition it's supposed to get! So dont give up! :) xx