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should I do a separate book for my euphoria one shots?? like ik it was pretty popular in the beginning of the year but idk if anyone's going to read them now? fuck it i might just do it anyway 


hey guys i know I've been very active and updating a lot today, but I just wanted to say that I just started a book called "Affair Of A Lifetime" and I would love it if any of you check it out!! that's it, have a great morning/day/night <3 


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am i crazy for wanting to write a book completely not related to hp? like would anyone read a college au book, mafia, or some other shit  i just hope that I'd be willing to finish it 
          anyways that's it i just needed to say that somewhere 


hey guys! i've started a book that includes all of my Harry Potter fan fics (updates may be slower??) from the marauders and lightning era!!
           feel free to send in fic request for the cursed child era!!<3 




omggg i want to redo my whole wattpad account and change the way it looks rn — ive been too productive today  
          okay but what do u guys think about a one shot book (hp universe ofc) filled with all characters ive written for ?? should i make a book for it or no