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I started reading a book today, and what the actual fuck is even written in that book. The in laws and her husband had been a bitch and a complete asshole to her for 8 FUCKING YEARS and NONE OF THEM EVEN TRIED TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH OF THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Now when the ml best friend asks him to do it, my buddy's heart melts and he is now ready to give this "relationship" a chance. During this when they found out about the truth after 8 fucking years they all are guilty and the FL SAYS IF SHE WAS AT THEIR PLACE THEN SHW WOULD HAVE REACTED THE SAME WAY AND THEY SHOULDN'T APOLOGIZE?????? EXCUSE ME??? WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF AS??? THEY MISTREATED YOU, DISRESPECTED YOU, NEVER GAVE YOU THE RIGHTS YOU HAVE NEVER LOVED YOU AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT IT IS ALL OKAY???? WHAT THE FUCK
I know I am judging the story too early into the book but this is literally not acceptable at all