To: My dearest readers'/followers'
I am currently working on the new book, I am soon going to publish, but right now I am writing down things on my AU and I'm sure a lot of you would figure it out already on what I am currently working on! Besides, I've already given you two spoilers for my upcoming new books.
I've been busy with my personal life, mostly about academic related life and all, my whole body was aching due to a lot of movements which my body isn't quite well adapted... Since I am always laying down, writing, painting, and stuff,, but I write down things to keep my mind sane, it's one of my hobbies besides my love for painting or any other related art stuff. It's quite a relief that I can pour my thoughts here we're barely anyone reads and I'm sure more of you would read it.
Everyone who reads my book soothes my chest,, that I feel relief that someone likes reading my book and my randomness of need for more of AU(s). . . (*´▽`*)
From: Takuumin :3