
chapter 26 has been published! (eidi from my end <3)


@tala-al-badru this is one of the best eidies :> شكرا توني


Assalamualaikum, how are you?!
          When's the next update dear?!


@tala-al-badru  Insha Allah... May the almighty ease your all the affairs Aameen.


@Hafii1608 @winterberry47 Walaikumassalam! I'm a little caught up in life rn but Inn Shaa Allah, I will try to come back as soon as possible (please keep me in your duas too!) jzk for checking in


@winterberry47 Walaikumassalam! habibti, i'm a little caught up in life rn and can hardly catch a breath, but Inn Shaa Allah, I will try to come back as soon as possible (please keep me in your duas), and jzk for checking in <3


Sometimes you will see you’re surviving raindrops because you’ve survived storms. And it’s Allah Who made you stronger and protected you, it’s Allah who saved you again and again. It’s Him Who is the most merciful and kind towards you. Know that Allah loves you a lot and with the sabr in yourself you can win the world. So don’t be sad. Ultimately, after all this it is only Allah who can solve and resolve your situations. Your every tear on every eyelashes, Allah knows it very well. When you are just speechless, just know that Allah knows each and every reason. Sometimes the gates are closed because Allah knows more than we do. And Allah is aware of every single pain you go through. Sabr and tawakkul will fix it. It’s not going anywhere when it’s written for you. No one can take away that from you. So don’t unnecessarily overthink about any matter. At the end it’s yours. Allah made your destiny beautiful, don’t forget that. 


I’m sooo behind on TSH. I miss you and the characters. Can’t wait to catch up ❤️.


@makeitmatter Katt! that's completely fine habibti, I really hope the new chapter of your life is going well! ❤️ the wattpad ban in Pak and VPN issue makes it really hard to read but I've missed tgg so much and it's first on my tbr as soon as my schedule clears iA


What people see, Allah sees it better. And what people know, Allah knows of it better. Meaning, Allah knows our minds and our hearts. But people don’t. There is only so much that people can really know about you, but with Allah it’s always different, it’s always better. Allah will always know your thoughts before anyone else. Allah will always know the intention in your heart, and people won’t. You see why it’s so important to focus on building a real relationship with Allah? Because in the end that’s what is going to matter most. Our personal and individual relationship with Allah. Allah is watching, He is listening to your every du’aa. Your every prayer is being heard by Him. Just hold on, you will get whatever you have prayed for, as long as it is good for you. Just hold on, have patience and remember the goodness in waiting. You will be rewarded for trusting in Him. Fill your garden with Sabr and trust you’ll be happy, one day. ❤


SubhanAllah! You have no idea how much I needed this habibti, JazakAllah khayr <3


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)