
My story has finally appeared on teh 31 Days of Fright Halloween anthology.  Link is https://www.wattpad.com/478699347-31-days-of-fright-halloween-anthology-runaway/comment/2986399237


Just updated my first story in a while.  I am now in a Writing Group and the new story on here is in my 'Escape' anthology and is entitled Hard to Resist.  It was taken from the following prompt - You receive a text in the morning, and it changes the path you intended to take for the rest of the day.  Hope some of you will read it and enjoy.


Not neem on here in ages.  So nice surprise when coming on now to see Runaway Halloween reaching 1K reads.  Not updated it for ages.  Maybe the writing group I have joined will inspire me.  Thats all it takes, inspiration(hopefully).


I have a slot at a local festival to read some work of mine.  Thing is, for those of you who have read it, I would love to take 'Grandma's Farewell', but would it be too sad?  Was also thinking abou the story 'The Trap', with a twist at the end.  For those who have not read them, stories can be found in my anthology 'Escape'.


I have a slot at a local festival to read some work of mine.  Thing is, for those of you who have read it, I would love to take 'Grandma's Farewell', but would it be too sad?  For those who not read it, story can be found in my anthology 'Escape'.


Two chapters done of Runaway Halloween this evening.  We now understand why the girl in the pub only appears to whisper to her mother.   I am still trying to keep it as original as possible.  Let me know what you think by voting or commenting.  
          Chapters 13 and 14 links are as follows: