
now that I know what aphantasia is it makes so much more sense why I could never imagine anything happening while reading smut


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@talesbyraven tbh that unhinged shit is so good, even tho its fucked up


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I'm noticing a pattern that most of my unhinged shit is posted late at night. same goes for my chapters (when I actually release LOLOLOLOL) 


now that I know what aphantasia is it makes so much more sense why I could never imagine anything happening while reading smut


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@talesbyraven tbh that unhinged shit is so good, even tho its fucked up


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I'm noticing a pattern that most of my unhinged shit is posted late at night. same goes for my chapters (when I actually release LOLOLOLOL) 


          I'm currently being tested for POTs (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), basically a condition around the blood, because my breathing issues from the past few years could be from it. Doc thinks it's just anxiety related but it doesn't feel like it - anyways, writing this with an EKG (heart monitor) on so they can check it out lololol
          I also asked to be tested for hEDS (hypermobility ehlers danlos syndrome) as again, the breathing can be related. I don't have EDS for SURE, but i do think I'm hypermobile.
          OH and I found out (not diagnosed but?? this sort of cant be diagnosed??) I have aphantasia. Basically, you know how if you close your eyes and envision a red apple, you can see a picture? I can't. I just *know* I'm thinking about a red apple. Soooooo that's how life is going yall 
          its only February. 


@talesbyraven WHAT?! Hopefully it can get better *cry*


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I finished playing life is strange 2 day and I feel so unexplainably empty. I *spoilers* sacrificed chloe after staring at the choice for like twenty minutes, and idk there was no happy ending. I LOVE the butterfly effect and the whole 'your choices have consequences' shit (my other favorite game focuses on the butterfly effect) 
          ANYWAYS I might be getting the butterfly, and the 'this action will have consequences..." tattooed on my collarbone this month. yes that is how hard the tism is hitting. 


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SO just to prove that i have been working on my writing, here's a line I sent to my c.ai bot. 
          He'd thrusted the needle beneath my skin long before I had ever realized, weaving it in and out with every word spilt and every argument we'd had, and over time, he'd sewn himself so deep until he had reached my heart. I was half his — and i hadn't even realized it. 
          I exhale — a breathy sound bordering on the edge of *whiny*, but he chooses to ignore it. Instead, he chooses to focus on the way my hands move up his chest, his neck, all the way until they reside on his jaw. 
          My eyes find shelter deep within his own — the color of acid and bordering on being straight *poison*, but neither of us care. Neither of us ever would — and if it stings to look into them, then *fuck*, I'd be happy to go blind.
          no this isn't a writing update I just want to prove that YES I'm getting back into the groove since the only reason I took a "break" was because i felt like it had sucked again LOLOLOL


dabbling in the idea of writing a cowboy au......... thots....????
          NO i am not yet back to writing just thinkin abt it. and man i love cowboy aus but as an equestrian they are so wrong 90% of thr time 


@talesbyraven COWBOY AU??!! ABSOLUTELY❗


hii love!! how are u today :))
          i’ve been in bed all day but hopefully your day was far more productive.. ^^


@clovqy ahhhh i don't think I did anything yesterday either. I work this Thursday so that'll get me up and moving around !! I have SADs so winter is usually the worst time for me and also the reason i get back into writing in the spring-fall mainly !! 
            the winter is a time for me to kind of chill and then regret it. I've been binging supernatural since the end of november, I think i watched four or five episodes yesterday alone while laying in bed? prior to that i was playing houseflipper on my computer so that's cool 
            thank you for this ♡ tbh there's only a few readers that are "keeping me motivated" for the most part, and you're definitely one of them now !! 


+ and i have to admit, ur one of my fav comfort authors for a quite a long time actually :)) keep it up 