Cody, Aiden and Ashton sent me over after they noticed that you've read your way through both A Kiss Is Just a Kiss AND Kiss & Tell pretty much all at once. Needless to say, they insisted that I thank you (profusely is the term Ashton used) for reading and voting for their story and they hope that you've enjoyed reading so far. They also insisted that I apologize for how long it's taking me to update Kiss & Tell. While you're waiting, you might check out Bright Lights Black Rainbows, (it's pretty darned good too)
What? No, I'm not thrusting my other work on unsuspecting victims. i take offense to the use of the word victim....
Don't be ridiculous. Aiden, listen to me. I was just... trying to keep the reader occupied, there's nothing wrong with offering another of my....
Oh please, it's not like I'm going to hold them down and force them to read it. . Just...would you shut up for one second.... Why is it every time I thank a reader for reading, you have to stick your nose in my....
fine, yes, you did send me, but still, if you're going to come along, you might as well thank them yourself....
*shakes head* anyway...sorry about that. Aiden's a little....well you know, excitable.... As I was saying.... Thanks for reading and voting and I hope you enjoyed your stay in Fairweather. :) ~nick