
HELLO AGAIN, fellow writers and readers.
          	This message is for my SK/CZ buds, but there's a reason why it will be like that. I decided to write and publish a small project written in my language. Why? Because after all those years, I have to actually finish something. I have to do it, for my inner peace. And so this will be it. BUT... I'll try translating it for you, so you can expect an english version of it. THANK YOU <3
          	Takže... vitajte. Ako som vyššie spomenul, pracujem na čomsi menšom. Už musím čosi dokončiť a zlepšiť sa, a viem že toto môže byť ten odrazový mostík. A tak môžete čoskoro očakávať čosi menšie. Mini projekt na pár kapitol. Ďakujem Vám! <3


@Elliee570_ To som rád :3 


@ tamo323  už teraz sa na to teším <3


HELLO AGAIN, fellow writers and readers.
          This message is for my SK/CZ buds, but there's a reason why it will be like that. I decided to write and publish a small project written in my language. Why? Because after all those years, I have to actually finish something. I have to do it, for my inner peace. And so this will be it. BUT... I'll try translating it for you, so you can expect an english version of it. THANK YOU <3
          Takže... vitajte. Ako som vyššie spomenul, pracujem na čomsi menšom. Už musím čosi dokončiť a zlepšiť sa, a viem že toto môže byť ten odrazový mostík. A tak môžete čoskoro očakávať čosi menšie. Mini projekt na pár kapitol. Ďakujem Vám! <3


@Elliee570_ To som rád :3 


@ tamo323  už teraz sa na to teším <3


Děkuji za follow ^^
          Čím jsem si ho zasloužila? ^^


@ Little_Purrs  děkuji moc! :3
            Moc mě to zahřálo u srdíčka ^^


@Little_Purrs Za to ani neďakuj! Na FB v skupine si zazdieľala pokračovanie Alastoru (dúfam že správne skloňujem). A celkom ma to zaujalo a reku že pozriem na prvú časť. A wau... to je úžas, už len Prológ sa mi zapáčil a tak som musel dať follow! Píšeš vynikajúco a tak mám konečne čo čítať po dlhom čase :3 


So... there is a reason why I decided to try the English stuff. It's simply because I want to try something new, although I wasn't the perfect example when it comes to writing lol Nevermind. The thing is - I had a long-ass block for a very long time. This poem that I just published is also the very first one I wrote almost 2 years ago. I want to be better, I want to do something special and this is it - writing. After those years, it's still my biggest dream to write something. And this is my first step. The second one is also coming, you just need to wait for a little bit longer. Thanks for your patience and I hope you have a great day/evening/night! :)