@ObsessiveBookworm Will be my pleasure to read your story, sorry for not replying two weeks ago, im so into reading that forgot to check my mails. I will comment to tell my opinion about it.
@ObsessiveBookworm Will be my pleasure to read your story, sorry for not replying two weeks ago, im so into reading that forgot to check my mails. I will comment to tell my opinion about it.
@danielleward136 thanks to you for doing such a good work on your story "The Nerd" I really love that story. They already teaching Hayden how to fix a car, they have to teach her how to race... hahaha
Hi! If you ever have the time, would you by any chance consider checking out my story Fixing You? I'd just like for you to let me know what you think, and whether or not you'll keep reading. Thanks so much, I promise to fan you!