
In a couple of weeks, I'll be heading to a local technical college for graphic design. Luckily, I'm taking the afternoon class for the first semester. I'll keep everyone posted on my stories as much as possible


I know that I'm always going to be open to suggestions and everything but, I wish that my readers would at least stop trying to plan a dialogue for me in advance as a suggestion or trying to suggest that I use more mature names for my fanfiction.
          I know that my readers mean well and all, but if I was having a hard time trying to figure out something, whether it's struggling to find a name or something, I know who I would turn to. I want people to know that I want to try on my own first before asking for help.


Hi I love your stories I have a quick question will your Pokémon stories come back just wondering have a great day!


@tanishatribe1118 that’s good to know thank you I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


My Pokémon Stories will come back eventually. Right now, I feel like something is wrong with the name I chose for my OC. 


Hey for your Yu-Gi-Oh book are you gonna put all five seasons in that book Or is it gonna be different books just curious


@Queenofgames123 I’ll check them out when I have a chance. 


I have questions 


@shadow_ceris2 I'm good. Almost finished with another fanfic, just two more chapters to go. I started another fanfic, hoping that I can at least get more than one chapter done before posting it online. I'm also hoping to get more chapters done for some of my other fanfics too.
            How about you?