
Hi. Sorry for bothering you. And your probably asleep right now. Hehe. Sorry. But i understand that your a witch. Well I'm 12 and I'm working with witchcraft and stuff. And this might be a stupid question but...do you believe in vampires. And if so do you know how to become one? I'm sorry if this is really stupid but I wanted to ask. So...yeah. I hope to get a message back soon. Thanks!!


@Pirpule Oh I'm so sorry! I haven't been on Wattpad for a few days. I'm sorry to say this, but it is biologically impossible to change your DNA. I also don't believe there are vampires in the physical realm. I do believe, however, that you can change your shape in the astral realm, so if you wanted to get into that, I think it would be really interesting! It is a pretty advanced technique though (astral projection, I mean), so I would definitely suggest starting out with more basic techniques. I used to really be into vampires as well (to be honest, I still am), so I understand the want to be one. Vampires are super cool! You'll find many people, however, tell you the same thing as I. I would suggest embracing vampiric aesthetic and definitely learning how to astral project or lucid dream. I'm actually not big on those things, so I can't help you out much there, but I can help get you started on the basics of metaphysics and witchcraft.
            Magic isn't anything like what Hollywood portrays. Magic is energy, and when as witches (or whatever a practitioner may call themselves), we utilize the energy in ourselves and around ourselves to help us meet an intended goal. It can't do all the work for us, but it can give us a helping hand.
            Again, I'm incredibly sorry to say that you cannot become a vampire. I do believe there are many mystical beings, but not in this physical realm. My suggestion, if you do intend to pursue what I previously mentioned, is begin researching and reading the basics of metaphysics and witchcraft. This will be a lot of reading, and you should probably reach out to witchcraft communities as well. The more you learn, as well as practice, the faster you'll be able to move on to more advanced techniques.
            As well as embracing vampiric aesthetics, there is a sect of the gothic aesthetic based on vampires, so you could check it out! I'm also a goth, so there's that too.
            Again, I apologize for the wait. I hope this helped!


Hello Rae, I Just wanna ask if its ok to learn and Cast a spell even you were not a witch? And How did you bacame a witch? Oh 


@Lovelylux_123 I'm really sorry for getting back to you so late. From my understanding, there isn't anything you need to do to be a witch. You're still human, it's not a different species. You just decide to be one and learn the craft. That's all. I wouldn't recommend trying a spell without thoroughly researching the basics. Apologies again, and I hope this is still valid for you.


I mean Guide, I hope you notice this and answer my question 


By the way I am reading your 'how to be a witch' story