Hey Guy..
Yesterday I got to know that someone said bashed Subadra and Abhimanyu. Thought to give you an announcement. Those who live in India and bashed Subhadra and Abhimanyu. I salute them because from what I have seen from those screenshots I can clearly see haterade in that. Do you know hate comes from jealously... If you don't now you do. When you guys used "Unchaste Women" and like nothing, I am like wow, Subhadra and Abhimanyu are really great to get such hate because When your too good people start hating you.
For Example: Remember Kauravas hate Pandavas and you know why they hate Pandavas. It's common. I am really happy and sad because I did not get that kind of bashing. Please guys if your reading this don't forget to bash me because it inspires me and increases more respect and love towards them. Don't forget me okay.