
Hello everyone.
          	I wish I could say that it’s been awhile but unfortunately I am not the Tashia that you all know and love. My name is irrelevant but I’ve known Tash for a long long time. Since birth she’s lived with a condition called cystic fibrosis and unfortunately earlier this year she died of lung failure. I haven’t had the courage to log onto this account yet since she gave me the password, but now I think I’m ready to tell everyone who loved her stories the truth. I’m not a writer, but I always tried to support her in every way that I could. She always talked about how happy she was to be writing, and that people actually enjoyed her work. She was so grateful and so am I, I’ll never forget her or how much good she did. :) This is just an update, she has a couple of drafts but I’m not sure whether to post them. But until then :) 


@tashiiia Honestley I just finished reading her 'blind kageyama au' and i cried during that. This made me cry even more. Thank you Tashia for these stories that I never thought I needed and Rest in Peace and Fly High.


@tashiiia may her memory rest in the amazing books she has written, and I'm so sorry for your loss


@tashiiia I hope you had a nice few years. May she rest in peace and Fly high


I just found the account right now and i hope i don’t bother someone. I just wanted to say that i know how it feels to lose someone close and i am here if u want to talk to me. I will read ur fanfictions with great passion. ❤️❤️