I’m so, so sorry for my absence! I feel like a pr!ck for just disappearing like that! But I bought a laptop just a few months before I went AWOL and let me tell ya – it’s the worst piece of cr@p I’ve EVER owned!! The keys for Q, W, E, A, S and SPACE didn’t work nine out of ten times plus the N and B didn’t work half the time! Do you know how many words contain those letters? A lot I say, A LOT! And can you imagine how hard it is to proofread (or just READ) a story when you have no idea what you’ve written in it? It’s impossible, it really is! But now I’ve bought yet another computer, but this time a proper one, and I’m on summer holiday for the next week so I intent to update a few of my stories and maybe write a shortstory. I’m really, really sorry and I hope you haven't forgotten all about my stories!