
Hey y'all umm lol I don't even know what to say. I started Mute when I was in the 7th grade like literally and now I'm in high school as a junior. I barely remember writing any of it and definitely didn't expect it to blow up the way it did. I still like writing but Its not my focus right now lol. I do not think I will be finishing the book simply because I have no time to even think about an ending. If I do decide to then it will probably be short and simple but thank you all for the support <3 .


miss ma’am, i am a crack fiend for wattpad stories; specifically dave east. and i am dead crying at the fact u haven’t updatedik it’s a lotta pressure but i’m going through withdrawals rn!!! u don’t want this wattpad fiend to die do u? u don’t wanna be responsible for my death do u?? so i’m beggingpls updateyours sincerely, the wattpad crack fiend


I started reading this book in 7 grade 


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You weird as hell for starting a book and not finishing it. You mines well take the shit down. And if y’all get paid for a certain amount of reads then this make it worse cause now you singles for your benefit. Can’t stand ignorant mfs like you. 

