
Chapter 12 has just been uploaded! They somehow acquire snacks without payment, play a few road trip games, and finally cross the Wyoming/Utah border. They're pretty good at finding ways to keep entertained on one of the longest drives of their trip.


Chapter 12 has just been uploaded! They somehow acquire snacks without payment, play a few road trip games, and finally cross the Wyoming/Utah border. They're pretty good at finding ways to keep entertained on one of the longest drives of their trip.


Well it's been a hot (3 years) minute. I have tried to keep writing "Wanderlost" through college, but that has been a difficult challenge. So, with a personal goal to finish the first draft of the book by New Years Eve 2019, I have just uploaded 3 new chapters! 5, 6, and 7 :) 
          Not sure how often updates will come, seeing as I'm going into my senior year of college, but they will come!