
Got my book going a little bit more. I'm writing an inspiration story to go along. Basically all my thoughts about the universe. It's different so I'm nervous to publish it, and only about 3% of the population either understand or agree with it. So I'm sure not a lot of people will enjoy it, and maybe comment on it, throw unnecessary comments out there. But I will publish it when I think I'm ready.


Got my book going a little bit more. I'm writing an inspiration story to go along. Basically all my thoughts about the universe. It's different so I'm nervous to publish it, and only about 3% of the population either understand or agree with it. So I'm sure not a lot of people will enjoy it, and maybe comment on it, throw unnecessary comments out there. But I will publish it when I think I'm ready.


@SomewhatDistracted Yeah, I've been thinking about the "The War for Citadel" because that's where the prologue takes place and it's the place where everything started, and where a spiritual "energy" is connected to all the planes that are in war with each other.  The citadel is the heart of my universe in my book basically. And every thing that is in the planes fights either for good or for evil. That's my first choice so far...