
Let me know
          	         Bye, my friends


hi guys quiet as usual thanks for reading my stories *waves* I have writer's block and need a new story idea or collaborations. Are we allowed to do them? How does it work? Let me know I'd love some new ideas I don't care whatever they are so....


Hi guys i want to recommend this wonderful story I just finished reading its called Captive by Firestarterxx its worth the read just go into my reading list and the first and second is there by the way read my stories


Hi my friends just wanted to see what you're up to you're a pretty quiet lot aren't u? Well I figured I'd do a survey. What are your guys fav genre plz tell me and I 'll post more of what u love 
                   Bye, my friends
            P.S. know any great stories? Let me know and suggest ure own work.