@taylorlarue21 Hey I just finished the first part of your story and I just have a couple things to make it better. The first is pretty simple and maybe a bit nit-picky but there are a couple times that you have a spelling error or a wrong word. For example when you were saying how she ran to the nearest bridge you typed closets instead of closest. Really easy mistake and one that an auto correct won't fix because it technically isn't spelled wrong.
Also as a reader it is a lot easy to read and follow a story with spacing. So instead of having one long paragraph split it up even though it all fits together and flows it is more appealing to the eyes to have some spacing. One place that you could split this up in your fist part is after you talk specifically about Mark saving her and past and then her abuse and the voices separated from how she was able to escape for a while... do you get the idea?
Can't wait to see what else you have in store!
@Robyn_1026 Hey I just posted a story, if you read it please give me some feed back on anything I could fix. And I don't want to sound pushy, but if you could tell people that you follow about my story if is any good, about it. Thanks.