I am a crazy, weird, almost indescribable person. I LOVE animals, dogs are my favourite. I own 1 dog named Luna, and I do agility with her. My favourite book series is Magnus chase, with Harry Potter as a close second.  
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Magnus Chase/Kane Chronicles, Wings of Fire, Divergent, and Hunger Games.
Fav TV show: Once upon a time
Fav Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy or Fantastic Beast and where to find them

Put this dog on
.//^ ^\\ your Page
(/(_•_)\) to show
._/''*''\_ that you are
(,,,)^(,,,) Against Animal Cruelty. There is no excuse for animal cruelty
  • JoinedFebruary 2, 2018