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hi guys, do u like art
hi everyone! so unfortunately due to uni and my very brain itself not letting go of other hyperfixations, Case 34's hiatus is much prolonged :(( I'm very sorry everybody. if you guys want a place to talk about the c34 or something lmk, I could set up a discord server of some kind yk, if anyone would be interested that is lol. if not, here is alright! i love talking about c34 and my two other fics, working on them in general is quite the task but I'm very much open to still talking about the stories, just not updating them. not for now at least.
@tazaroni_ I want to chit chat with other people so def yes!! oh wait I forgot I deleted discord. Oh well! If you do end up making one, I'd still probably join cuz the only reason I deleted it is cuz my father wants to do a phone check which means he can see apps that I have downloaded that shouldn't be downloaded
@tazaroni_ A Discord would be cool. This was actually the first II Fanfiction I've read
Gib me c34 or I cri /j not putting pressure
Case 34 :0
okay so, after a few months of grinding uni, I might release something idk, does anyone still fw c34???
Ahhh, i’m gonna miss case 34, I’ll probably re-read it someday, sucks that we were left on a cliffhanger, though Whatever, it’ll be fine! I wonder if we could make fanmade endings? That would be cool! But anyways, thank you for writing that book, i remember getting so excited when the chapters came out! We love you! <3
@thatonemintykiddo I think the author is still making chapters, but is taking a hiatus. not 100% certain tho
gay ass the story was sooo good but we need more lesbians
EVERYONES RESPONSES WERE SO SWEET THANK U GUYSS <33333 ok now I feel like talking about tacosoapmic! and even some knife and fan lore for c34 if you guys have some questions about them!
@arrrghg well by the end they didnt rlly talk much because knife was still in a mini coma, then after he woke up weeks later, he wakes up with fan next to him and knife finds himself completely mute since he was shot in the throat. basically him and fan couldn't really communicate their feelings a lot as friends because of Knife's disability, but as they learned ASL together, they also began to date by the middle of maybe the second book up until the third book!
IM ACTUALLY GLAD AND RELIEVED NONE OF YOU ARE MAD AT ME LOL so bad news first: I'm definitely much older now than when I began Case 34, and definitely much more lenient and much more strict ab what I write and how I write it. which means I am almost certain Case 34 will be discontinued :(( good news: I'm honestly willing to write something very similar to Case 34, if not a replica but done better over at AO3. in order for that to happen tho, I need to get back into Inanimate insanity as much as I did before, which unfortunately isn't happening anytime soon BUT I can ensure that there could be either BFDI or II stories more in the future that can happen on my AO3 account, which means this wattpad account will just be for reading mostly and not for posting. now some questions I know yall will ask: whats gonna happen to Three's A Crowd? I'm not gonna lie with you, I'm definitely gonna continue that in the future, maybe rewrite it and post it on AO3 instead too. i know some of u REALLY liked case 34 so if u still have questions about the plot, the ending, etc etc or about the characters and want me to answer the questions without me needing to write chapters or whatever, just drop ur questions here and I'll 100% answer in due time. <333
@h0neyBe3z oh well sort of! by the end of the first book, nickel and baseball meet again sometime before arriving at the hospital after they escape, but nickel just asks "who are you?" which completely breaks baseball's heart AGAIN. to summarize their relationship all throughout the three books I initially planned, by the second book, all of the subjects were busy healing and busy adjusting to their new lives after being fresh out of their trauma chamber lol. nickel was trying to properly take in the fact he was a person before he forgot everything, baseball is trying to adjust to THAT fact, knife was mute now so he was trying to get used to ASL, microphone had serious separation anxiety now and didn't like being too far away from either Soap or Taco, Fan was too caught up with trying to be everyone's therapist that he didn't care for himself, and baseball also needed to learn brail considering he was blind too. i could go into a bit of more detail with nickel and baseball, but to summarize it, their relationship was rocky post-hospital, but they slowly started to build a new one together by the end of the second book and all throughout the third book. ignoring the fact nickel constantly had imposter syndrome, thinking he wasn't as good or up to par enough for baseball and everyone else, thinking they missed the old nickel than the current one now. that would have been fun to write mostly just because I love nickel angst, but by the end baseball and nickel have a good relationship anyways (sorry for the long message lol)
i loved case 34 sm!! Would we have ever got a fully flourished nickel and baseball interaction near the end? if so, how would it have gone?
sooo, how are we taken the very long hiatus so far?
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