I've never done this before, but you guys follow me! :O Shock horror!!
Anyway, lot's of people I follow do this, well basically all of you because I follow you all back...
I talk too much I just thought i'd 'advertise' this, butttt I just began a new 1D FanFic called 'The Falcon Sisters'...and I know it's craaazzzyyyyy but if any of you have some spare time up your sleeves, any chance you could check it out for me?
I would love love love you all like minions love bananas if you did that, but you know, only if you want to...:))))
Also, would be great to meet/talk to you guys, and what not...*hint hint*
Anywhoooo, lots of llamas to you all,
TazzleberryTheSeal or Tara as some call me :) xox