
Everyone go follow @xxwinterschildxx their books are amazing!!


Hey. I'm not writing any more stories I think for a while. It seems that once I get writing, it it's doesn't suit it any more. So sorry. Yeah. Go ready my friend Cassidy's stories though.  They are amazing! 


Hey guys.................. So guess what. From December 17-today, I was NOT aloud to do gym, cheer, or gymnastics. Today I was cleared for it, then I went and majorly sprained my ankle. Sooooo....... I can write my new story now! Haha its called "Story Of Us" and its a Shawn Mendes story. HOPE YOU ENJOY!


To any of my readers..... 
          If you would like me to write a 1D story and you be in it, please message me. 
          I am becoming a Directioner again thanks to my bestest friend in the whole world, Melanie. 
          So yeah. Message me if you want me to write a 1D story with you being the lead and who with. 