I hope you are all enjoying the ot4 oneshots I love reading them and I don’t see them so I hope if you like them I’m getting to your fanfiction standards
I hope you are all enjoying the ot4 oneshots I love reading them and I don’t see them so I hope if you like them I’m getting to your fanfiction standards
I hope it’s not bad that I just made it through Brad’s entire Instagram page I’m about an hour it made me happy until I got to the bottom and I felt sad again
Hope you are all enjoying my updates tonight in my Vamps Oneshots and don’t forget my messages and Comments are open and my insta DMs are too
Insta: tdaw18
Profile picture is a flash in a mirror so feel free to dm me your ideas
Hey everyone it’s Tory
I lost this account a few months back and I’m still fighting for it
I really wanna thank you all for getting this account to 103 let’s get my new account to the same place and we can kick back off where we left off
I haven’t lost hope on this account
But I hope you come and read my new book(s) and follow me again
I write a lot
I have a lot of time on my hands during the weekend
The week is much more hectic but I make it work
Much Love
~Tory Lynn
It’s Tory
My phones be recently shut down on me and I lost this account so if you could follow my new account
So please follow me
I promise this is me
I’m not some imposter
Hey guys tory told me that a girl tripped and landed on top of her right hand and that its really brused and i think she said swollen so know she has to type with her left hand so that why her updates might be slow