
@elizabeth12345678 aaaaaw thank you so much!  I guess you're the only one who really likes my story ghehe.. And yeah i know cause when i look at what i wrote last year and what i wrote this year: big difference. I speak a little bit spanish too hahah, had spanish classes for 3 years. But you're welcome hahha. Fanning you was the least i could do. Thanks again for likeing my story hahah!!


@elizabeth12345678 aaaaaw thank you so much!  I guess you're the only one who really likes my story ghehe.. And yeah i know cause when i look at what i wrote last year and what i wrote this year: big difference. I speak a little bit spanish too hahah, had spanish classes for 3 years. But you're welcome hahha. Fanning you was the least i could do. Thanks again for likeing my story hahah!!


Wow, I saw your picture and i had to stop and talk to you. You, my girl, are truly beautiful. I would kill to look like you. I bet you break hearts left and right and you don't even know it. Your face is very delicately proportioned and you have very lovely hair. Your eyes have nice shape and color to them. If anyone tells you that you are not pretty, or that you aren't good enough, they are jealous. 