Sorry for those of you following along with Empire. The last half of November got hectic with a move across the globe ( and the subsequent time change and jet lag) and then trying to finish NaNo WriMo.
But I did it! I hit 50k words! Just in time. I hope everyone else that was attempting this year found time to wrote and renewed their love of writing. The story I was working on isn't near done, and I don't think I'm going to convert it into a Wattpad format. But finishing does mean I have time to get back to editing and releasing Empire.
All the best, I hope you are all doing well. ( I don't spend a lot of time on Wattpad for my own reasons, but I do believe in this profile's message of combating the prevalence of toxic masculinity, sexism and the misrepresentation of consent in romance, so I do come on to post, and I do see your comments. love you all!
- @bksbybkr