
@bnlfan I love it! It's such an interesting idea.


@YuffieProductions We'll it's an awesome story, and as soon as I'm done reading the 5(uuuugh) other stories I'm reading right now, I'll be taking up a couple more of yours. :P
          As long as Reina doesn't date Jared I'll be happy. I'm all Jara all the time. Although, if it takes a little Cara to get Jared to see what he's missing I understand... :D
          I thought it would be pretty funny, the poor girl needs someone to help her take control of that situation. :P


Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked that chapter. Ehh Shaun's in such a hard position, too. You'll see in the next chapter that he does feel bad for saying all those things, but they were needed. The gang is more important. 
          Hm, yeah a lot of people have that problem with not getting emailed. It must be a Wattpad glitch. I'll just send a message to everyone whenever i update then.