
I don't deserve jeon wonwoo, even the universe doesn't deserve him. I- 


Halo, authornim, aku baru aja nemu Kim & Jeon dan gilaaa keren banget. Aku suka writing style aithornim, sederhana tapi bikin baper sampe tulang sumsum and i mean it. Keep up your good work ya, sehat selalu, dan semoga authornim terus berkarya 


@bathophobiaa wah terharu banget aku, makasih banyak kalo authornim bersedia terus lanjutin Kim & Jeon sampe selesai, i'll always wait no matter what. Take your time, karena aku tau nulis fic itu ga gampang. Tetep semangat, authornim 


@bathophobiaa Hi kamu, terima kasih atas apresiasinya. It means a lot 
            Ternyata begini toh kekuatan dari beberapa baris kata, meskipun telah mendapatkan berbagai pesan tapi dari kamu lah yang ngebuat aku semakin yakin buat melanjutkan lagi ceritanya (:
            Semoga harimu menyenangkan!


Kak... Kim & Jeon nya ga dilanjutkan kah? Aku nungguuuuuuuu banget dari lama 


@Xgnswild terima kasih yaa sudah menunggu, tetap dilanjutin kok 


@ Xgnswild  semoga Kaka sehat selalu dan bisa nerusin cerita ini yaa


i just found The Perfect Match and it becomes one of my most fav meanie fic, I re-read it again 3 times already only in a month because I really like it. Now I’m waiting for you to continue Kim and Jeon, hope you are okay and willing to finish it. I love your stories, eventho the situation always in high school but your conflict sounds more mature and you write it really well not rushing their feelings and not being so cheesy. It feels like I’m reading the international meanie writer fanfic, it doesnt feel like a local fanfic haha. Good job.