
So I have good news, bad news, and more good news 
          	The Good news is, the balloon plush I ordered is here!!!!!
          	The bad news is that by here, I mean my aunt's house. That is an hour away. And I'm pretty sure she is leaving me and my mom on read :(
          	And the other good news is that I will release that book I talked about a while ago (ps, it's not a object show one)
          	So uh.... yeah.
          	I will update later about the balloon thing if I have any actual updates.
          	Have a nice day and don't overheat (if the area ur in is at 102 degrees like mine is)


So I have good news, bad news, and more good news 
          The Good news is, the balloon plush I ordered is here!!!!!
          The bad news is that by here, I mean my aunt's house. That is an hour away. And I'm pretty sure she is leaving me and my mom on read :(
          And the other good news is that I will release that book I talked about a while ago (ps, it's not a object show one)
          So uh.... yeah.
          I will update later about the balloon thing if I have any actual updates.
          Have a nice day and don't overheat (if the area ur in is at 102 degrees like mine is)


Ok so I sorta lied about the oneshot book thing so I won't do that yet, BUT I'm going to put out another book, The infection au is NOT canceled btw just put on hold so that I can plan out how I want the story to go in the future :)
          For the small amount of people that will probably see this thank you for ur time :D


People tpot 11 is coming out today!!!!!!!!!


Hi people!!
          So the chapter for my infection book will be delayed due to the fact that I'm going to Washington dc soon. Fun :)
          And also I just let my younger brother into my account so if you see some reading list saying "brother suggestions" that's for him :)
          Just thought I'd mention that so that I could clear some stuff up. Might actually release the chapter before then but no promises! :)


@teardrop027 ooh welp st!ll exc!ted and have fun there :D


Omg I'm actually working on the cheap for the book but I'm emotionally damaged from the second amazing digital circus episode but I promise it will be out later today or tomorrow :)


@teardrop027 Ok!e got !t but damn that’s !mpress!ve !’ll watch !t later


this message may be offensive
@ShadowVoidRealm I am serious when I say this but I predicted the fucking ending half way through :')
            Tell me if you like it or not when you do watch the episode tho


@teardrop027 oooh exc!ted st!ll need to watch the new tadc ep!sode tho 


So hi
          I don't do these much but I am working on the next chapter for the Infection book I just have writers block and forget to write the actual chapter :(
          I'm probably gonna finish it tonight but don't count on it 


@ShadowVoidRealm yeah it really does suck :(


@teardrop027 Ooh I’m excited but uh take your time writers block sucks


have you watched the nightly manor?
          also hi! ty for the follow! I can be annoying ;)


@multifamdomenjoyer yes I have watched the nightly manor :D
            ur welcome for the follow also! :D