i think it’s clear to say this was coming, but i guess apart of me just wasn’t ready to let go. this account was created two years ago a couple months before i moved half away across the country. moving was one of the hardest things i have gone through and in such a time of pain writing was the only thing that got me through it. because when it felt like the hurt wouldn’t stop, writing was there. writing was my escape- my way of coping. i would write every emotion i felt until my hands cramped and my heart didn’t hurt. in moments of anxiousness and sadness writing was there for me. it opened so many windows of creativity and it honestly was the one thing that kept me going through my move. it’s been two years but it feels as if it was just yesterday that i excitedly posted chapter one of ‘moonlight’- so beyond happy. this account was the place where i met my first bts moots, and even one of my closest internet best friends. this account gave me the opportunity to express myself and write with such passion. it was home to so many amazing memories. i think the reason i didn’t do this sooner was bc i wasn’t ready to let go. this place was a new beginning for me. it was my escape. wether that was from the terrible days at school, or the homesickness i felt late into the night. this is where i came. this is where i met my first bts moots, nd read so many amazing books. i was looking back at the messges on my board and couldn’t help but become nostalgic. past me was so excited. had so many ideas, and such passion to write. i wanted to do so much. life doesn’t always work out as we imagine it, and as my passion and many of my favorite authors left this platform. i realized that i had to as well. this place will forever hold such a special place in my heart and i’ll forever be grateful for the oppurtinies, memories, and friends that have been created from it.

to those of you who commented, saved my books to lists, or simply just read them. thank you. you have no idea how much your support meant to me. to the messges and the friendships that didn’t quite last. thank u. i will continue to support my fellow friends but i don’t think ill come back and write again. it’s an end to a very important and beautiful chapter in my life, and regardless of anything i’m so glad i got to experience this all. i guess this is it. stay safe and well. i hope you all take care of yourselves. so much love to you all <33 -h