


thread tba


Not my business.  Looking away now!


@tearudown      *      (Her hands are above her eyes.  Hiding from whatever she just saw,  but she turns towards him with a smile.)    Well,  that’s too late now.  Are you busy?


@burythatbody      yeah..  definitely not your business.    knock next time you want to bother me,  yeah?


Absolutely not.


@tearudown      *       I’m the entire party,  actually.  I just don’t want to die!  I already have students lined up waiting to put me up on a pitch fork and set me on fire.


@burythatbody     you’re boring,   you know that?


why are you looking at me like that ?


━━ ☄︎: @tearudown
                 huh, that’s actually really cool. we have something similar. there are people in my house who are able to communicate with snakes. it’s called parselmouth. though, i really don’t like it…


@beartricks    drakaelsi..  ancient dragon tongue.  well—  there were two languages,  but the tongue of old valyria isn’t talked about much.  


━━ ☄︎: @tearudown 
                 oh— that…makes sense. there’s so many of them- what’s their native language if i may ask ?




it is a date in all but the name. sansa may be stubborn but she is certainly not thick in the head. it would make no sense if she were, seeing as we are related.        i find it to be endearing. she’s all but forgotten about romance in riding all day and all night. i love her, the very same way i love that she-dragon of hers. that’s why there’s really no harm in it being a date, no harm at all. don’t you agree?


@eurysphea,    /we/ haven’t necessarily butted heads in years     ..i can’t say the same for our teams,  though.  wolves and lions will always be rivals,   regardless if their players are friends or foe.   i mean    ..it can be whatever you perceive it to be,   but i don’t think sansa would necessarily call it a date


oh? i was under the impression that it was a date rather than a ‘something’. was i wrong?          a tad. i’m readying and taming sansa from today’s astonishingly grueling practice. i heard you two didn’t butt heads like you used to the past few months. 


ah      —            sansa and i have just parted ways. 


perhaps something even higher of disposition for sansa. only something as grand as lordship over the sky or the earth dominion could stand to be an equal to a heart like hers.     [she nods, to both her own and henry’s gushing, following suit in a move completely stranger to the otherwise mentally removed characteristic of her disposition. it’s only a beat after, no more and no less, that she adds,]     i adore young love.     [completely impromptu. or not. she made no discernible way of showing it.]     it is good. healthy. blossomed with the likes of flowers as in bloom as these. they suit you in hand. how very charming. 


@activscenev,   are you sure?   i don’t want to talk all of your flowers    ..  [ that,  amongst another reason.   one he wouldn’t speak of,   for these flowers had other plans    —revolving the very person who had previously helped sybil pick them out.   nonetheless,  the elder st. germain brother shoots her a grateful smile as the bouquet of lilacs was now in his grasp.   he nods,   attentively listening to her speak so highly of sansa    ..to which he could agree to that much  ]   her annunciation surely is her strong suit,   if she could    ..i think she would run for president


[she’ll nod before poor henry st. germain can get his last few syllables in as if moving within the preconceived notions of his person. truly unheard of and logically unbelievable for someone of professor sybil rigunth’s reputation and rationale, or the lack thereof.]     have some, have all.     [it’s a fresh bouquet, an moderate amount picked out by the two of them on one afternoon after a whole two other hours of simply talking.]     lovely young lady. nothing short of. speaks so loudly, you almost expect her heart to half pop out of her mouth whilst in the middle of it. 


what’s with the sudden need for girl advice ?


@tearudown,       so..   you just..  woke up one day after years of rivalry and────fist fights, need i remind you ..   and decided that you liked her       ?     [ he tried his best to put the pieces together. since their first year both henry and sansa had been at odds,        and perhaps that rivalry was amplified with their houses being the obvious rivals on the field .    then again,  they were getting older. more mature. it was better to put their childish antics aside and actually be civil for once..   otherwise,   perseus would remain fearful for the      future and those that were involved with it]          could be a good thing.     or a sign that she’s just grown up ..   you’re not a stranger to these .. sorts of things, shouldn’t be hard for you..   isn’t it?


@lionswrath,   [ one leg now crosses over the other as his hand props up against his lips,   thumb mindlessly spinning the rings along his digits.   what really did he need help with?    he didn’t know,   he was just as confused as percy was    ..if not more.   for one,   he was the reserved type and kept his personal life to a minimum of knowledge around his peers and even the professor before him.   second,  sansa piquing his interest certainly wasn’t on the list of things to consider    ..yet here he was.  ]   i dunno,   what to really do about her.    i mean,   all we really talk about is sports and our scars     —she’s been nicer to me though,   and friendly so i take that as a good thing,   i think


@tearudown,     i won’t tell nate.   [he agrees, turning left in rain as his chair spins in the same motion.   was he surprised? yes.  mainly because of /who/ had indirectly confessed.  not that he assumed sansa would. but she was more..   brazen,  too──   chaotic for all that sorts of stuff, with her it just simply happened one day and you went along with it].      and..   what exactly do you need help with in regards to her, again ?     


why are you smiling     ?     we lost   !


@kingsarc     and the last few times?  we beat them,   that’s why i’m really not worried about it.   besides,   i’m sore     ..and want to nap


   ᅠ* ⠀@tearudown,    ⠀. where’s the henry that would rage over this ?   we lost to the /lions/ 


@kingsarc     i’m not unwell,   i just don’t have it in me to care about a singular game.   besides,  we have more this week that’ll win with flying colors