
Hello Everyone Techno is Back and i'm writing a new book called "The Story of the Frozen Rose" I've found there aren't many stories about ruby and yang's grandparents so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring and write a story myself


@technokid10 So why did you remove Dr Taylor as Max’s father and Aki’s husband? Sure he’s maybe a little doofus hypocrite who scolded his son for blaming Chomp when he accidentally broke his disk in the lab. Then he convinced Max to take the blame for hitting the ceiling with Dino's bone, and he’s still a part of the D-Team that is the good father of Rex and was a brother to Max.


Hello Everyone Techno is Back and i'm writing a new book called "The Story of the Frozen Rose" I've found there aren't many stories about ruby and yang's grandparents so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring and write a story myself


@technokid10 So why did you remove Dr Taylor as Max’s father and Aki’s husband? Sure he’s maybe a little doofus hypocrite who scolded his son for blaming Chomp when he accidentally broke his disk in the lab. Then he convinced Max to take the blame for hitting the ceiling with Dino's bone, and he’s still a part of the D-Team that is the good father of Rex and was a brother to Max.


New Story on Archive of our Own
          <a href=""><strong>Yang and Ruby x Big Brother Male Reader</strong></a> (10426 words) by <a href=""><strong>Technokid10</strong></a><br />Chapters: 5/?<br />Fandom: <a href="">RWBY</a><br />Rating: Mature<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Yang Xiao Long/Reader, Ruby Rose (RWBY)/Reader<br />Characters: Reader, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Taiyang Xiao Long, Summer Rose (RWBY)<br />Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Incest<br />Summary: <p>Yang and Ruby both love their Older Brother Y/N who's a huntsmen but are always sad when he has to leave what happens when he comes back after a long mission</p>