
Hello all of you beautiful people! I hope summer has been good for all of you so far.  I know it's been awhile since my last post or update and I apologize for that but I am working on updating my newest story with a chapter or maybe been two of I have the time right now but I also wanted to let you guys know that I have officially decided to open requests on here! I don't know how long I'll have them open but if you'd ever like to request something just let me know and I shall try my best to do it for you. I'm open to do just about anything: fanfics, one shots, headcanons etc. 
          	If you have any questions feel free to ask me! 


Hello all of you beautiful people! I hope summer has been good for all of you so far.  I know it's been awhile since my last post or update and I apologize for that but I am working on updating my newest story with a chapter or maybe been two of I have the time right now but I also wanted to let you guys know that I have officially decided to open requests on here! I don't know how long I'll have them open but if you'd ever like to request something just let me know and I shall try my best to do it for you. I'm open to do just about anything: fanfics, one shots, headcanons etc. 
          If you have any questions feel free to ask me! 


Hello all of you beautiful people! It's me once again! It's been about a month since ice updated anything which I apologize for, April went by really fast don't you think? I think it was the month that's gone by the fastest this year personally, anyways I know I haven't done anything I said I would yet but I actually just published a new story which I had been planning for a long time and finally fully conceptualized it, I'm very happy that I've finally got it where I like it and am working on updating it now! Also I wanted to let you guys know that since its May this is a busy month for me, I've got a lot of stuff to do which includes testing so I'm not sure how active I'll be but I know there is a few days where I'll be able to be active and on for a bit which I hope will be enough time to be on.
          Thank you for reading, 
          Techno :) 


Hello once again guys! How are you all doing? I've been good myself but I 've also been very bored since I haven't had much to do during the break but today I got the  chance to post another story and I already have another one-shot in the making as well,  I hope you guys enjoy both of them and if you have any feedback for me I 'd love to hear it, Thank you!


Hello Everyone! Techno here, so I know a good bit of you have been wanting me to finally finish up my Red x Reader one-shot and I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I kept forgetting about it  but very finally, finished it! I also wanted to let you guys know that I plan to put out more one-shots and fanfictions in the future, thanks!