

i cant even do everything every album review because i dont care + i am dead


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theodore a can we kill and spit on this bitch


i cant with these videos its always so funny or perverted


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeAqiWNspx4 listening to this at night and then i wake up dead the next morning okay so i wouldn't "wake up" but like you get what i mean


thoughts on the new warrior cat book i didn't like it because it made me think of liberals i forgot to make the review when i read it anyway im doing it now hate libs me x also i regert what i sayed about dawn of the clans because when i read it so much snot came out when i was crying when i read the last book i can be scared sometimes, also that has nothing to do with green LEGIT, nothing does anymore, it's only the foolish that keeps the same thorns in their arms for a decade or 2 years, anyway i forgot what happened in the book except the cats acted like liberals and i didn't like it cause hate libs me x, also sometimes i get scared, anyway im excited for the new book in april!


brock lesnar: i dont care about this why did you push it on my feed im too busy lifting wayt to read this
            ted: sometimes i'm still here


the demon attack by ted a.
          Girl 1: Here I am in the Swelt
          Girl 2: But I can't handle you being there!
          Girl 1: I know....But I have to be
          Girl 2: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
          Girl 1: "So I exited the Swelt and got in to the world"
          Girl 2: But now there's programs
          Girl 1: I know...
          Girl 2: But now there's everything and promises
          Girl 1: I know.. But I'm still going back to the Swelt
          Girl 2: No! I love you!
          Girl 1: I know... But I'm still going back to the Swelt
          *At the swelt*
          Shadow demon 3: When I'm above you Or below you
           it doesn't matter
          You cannot go back
          I will show you the utmost
          Girl 1: it hurts!!!!!!
          Shadow demon 3: Haahahahaha
          Girl 2: I could have done everything for you and you could still be here
          But instead youre in eternal pain
          I told you
          I told you
          Stay there and appreciate what you have
          You can't live forever
          Girl 3:
          I could have done everything for you and you could still be here
          But instead youre in the eternal prison
          Girl 1: After all the misery I think I'm quite all right
          Trapped in the blood world
          Everything flows past me or through me like water
          And I am the unaffected stone
          To the hole I came from I will return
          And When it's all over
          The numbers and the blood and the agony
          You will give me all I asked for
          You have no choice but to comply


killinh myself why did an actual pedophile follow my account


it gives me the same feeling as when you have to do a blood test and get all whirred around and feel the blood go out of you and want to meet the release of being trapped in the blood syringe


this is what i get for publishing five nights at linux be careful on the computer edition


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my thought on the new warrior cat book
          it was okay but i was thinling to myself was it really worth buying 7 pounds for it but then in the end they had my favourite ever brambelstar bitch( sorry for the bad word ) get retire and leave and die hopefully idiot fucking ugly . and i was sad when the character died. also i like that it is warrior cats mudrer mystery i was like :I when i was a baby and reading the newest arcs but now im not a baby im a functional adult so i can get excited by books and also i love the name of curlfeather because it makes me think of the command line tool i love to curl all the things + i will be very disapointed if they make the villain splashtail because they keep setting it up and its like pooo don't do that it's boring and i enjoyed the cliffhanger that the first time a warrior cats character pov has been murdered at random without immediate reveal of who killed the cat i think i dont remember and i did not read dawn of the clans because it was boring and whenever i think about ancient things i remember green and i dont suport it for my self anyway that was my review thanks for reading and also i think it's interesting that night heart was freaking retarded and annoying leaving the clan and then coming back and making the romance ruined but really oh i forgot it's crazy that sun beam joined thunderclan because why would she do this she is being crazyz and stupid and stupid and i hope squirrelstar dies immediately so we can get a new leaders deputy for thunderclan because its being boring AND frostpaw


remove the hearts?????? You're Freaking Watting kidding me!!!!!!!!


ergin hunter: okay we are going to make nightheart a leader but firstly we have to make him a dark brown tabby and act nasty. otherwise how can it be a clan leader. !!!!!!!!!!!!<-- hearts


brock lesnar: i dont care about this why did you push it on my feed im too busy lifting wayt to read this
            ted: IM SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!