Hey, guess what?!? Do I need to write more books because I have 3 and still almost no one reads them! It tears my heart that my books don't get read.

maybe you should try focusing on one story and think about what you want it to be about or the message you want to tell, and try to make a interesting plot for you stories Im sure if you used you imagine nation more people would read them, do something different something you find interesting and something you would enjoy writing about or something you have passion for so you understand it better, do just do what everyone else is doing if its not your style or you you don't enjoy it, ill write a story with you if you want?, or ill even help you :), Yours Sincerely, CougarSlayer <3, P.s Try adding heaps of people Im sure some will follow back, and just delete the ones that don't follow back im sure its the best way to get more reads as well as making the summary really interesting :).